This bursary is provided by APPrO in partnership with WiRE (Women in Renewable Energy) for students and emerging professionals interested in working in the Ontario power sector
The electricity sector is a heavily male dominated field, but that is changing, as it should. To help that progress along, and encourage women’s participation, we are offering a bursary for the full registration fees to a limited number of students and emerging professionals currently working in junior positions or students interested in potentially pursuing work in the energy sector.
The bursary will be offered to three qualifying students or young professionals who would like to attend the conference.
Bursary Eligibility Criteria
• Available to any woman who is a currently enrolled as a college or university student, or has graduated in 2018 or later
• Interested in any sector of renewable energy, including academic, manufacturing, technical, consulting, engineering, finance, and others
• Must be planning to pursue a career in the energy sector
Please visit the WiRE website for more details on the recipient roles and responsibilities as well as instructions for submitting applications.
Terms and Conditions
In order to qualify for the bursary, the applicant must meet the following criteria:
a) Be a non-employed student in good standing at a recognized educational institution
b) Must not be eligible to have conference registration fees paid by employer or other agency.
c) Has not registered as a delegate to APPrO’s annual Canadian Power Conference in the last three years,
e) Has not been a member of APPrO during the last three years.
f) The applicant must submit documentation to APPrO explaining her interest in the field and the reasons for requesting the bursary by November 19.
g) APPrO’s deliberations on the applications will be private and its decisions will be final and not be subject to any kind of review.
Please note: The number of bursaries available is extremely limited and will be terminated without notice once the offer is fully subscribed.
Information on how to qualify for other options for reduced fee access to APPrO 2021
Information on APPrO 2021
Information on APPrO Mentors
Speed Mentoring hosted by WiRE